
1-Failure modes, fault development and multi-scale dimensional analysis

Fault zones generally form localized networks of discontinuity that, according to their connectivity and growth state, may either increase or inhibit the migration of geofluids. The typology and distribution of these heterogeneities in qualitative terms depend on the three following parameters:
(i) physical-mechanical properties of the sedimentary host rock (i.e. well-stratified vs. massive, tight vs. porous, carbonates vs. siliciclastic); (ii) diagenetic evolution; (iii) tectonic history.
This research topic is aimed at studying the faulting processes in nicely exposed fault zones crosscutting a variety of sedimentary host rocks in several tectonic contexts. Expected outcome of this research topic is the development of a database providing information on the spatial distribution, the geometry, the mechanical behavior, and the dimensional properties of individual fault zones in terms of deformation mechanisms and their spatial-temporal evolution.


Strike-slip and normal faults in tight and porous carbonates, southern Italy


Normal faults and clay smearing in siliciclastic rocks, central-southern Italy